Saturday, August 1, 2015

Featured business of the month!

Feeling very excited today just set up a large display at Unibank in Whitinsville to promote my business In the Moment! Come on down and check it out! If you would like to experience this beautiful practice please email me at Juliet.CZT or call/text 508-769-0486

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Frogeye - My new tangle

Hi everyone hope you enjoy this new tangle I've been having a blast with it. It seems pretty easy and adaptable and has gone over pretty well in the classes that I've taught it in. Thanks to Pam and Elisa for encouraging me to send this out to the world wild web. Lol. Sometimes putting it out there is a little stressful which kind of defeats the purpose of Zentangle. Lol. Either way it's all good. I'm enjoying myself hope you do too! 

In this moment, 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Accidental Ensemble

Tonight at the Vic we had a bit of an accident.... A TOTALLY ROCKIN' ACCIDENT! 
Tonight's focus was the many aspects of shading. We made our way through the lesson plan we marveled at the differences a bit of graphite makes. (Major thanks to my teacher Molly for the amazing lesson plan!) 
We started by doing the same tangle twice but shaded in two different ways using Betweed which is a favorite of mine. We even created the tangle using two different approaches. The first method allowed us to chat and tangle and the second brought a more focused vibe. 

Next we moved on to our ATC tiles using Poke Root, Fife and my new tangle Frogeyes! I have to say it's a bit addictive! I'll be publishing the breakout soon! 
At the end of class we put our tiles together and discovered a flow between the three that we just had to play with. As you can see below Poke Root breaks through the string and goes right to the edge of the tile. This allowed for the flow between the three tiles that you see in the ensemble photograph below. 

I think it kinda rocks!! Enjoy! 

Smiling in this moment.
Love and light. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Rowdy Yogi Posse

Laughter and love filled my home last night as I introduced Zentangle to a posse' of yoga teachers. This was a special group of ladies comprised of six women that recently graduated from the YTT program at State of Grace yoga studio.  As I guided them through the tangles they caught up on each other's lives laughing and comforting as stories and updates were exchanged. 

This was a rowdy bunch of gals! It all started out quiet and full of Zen during our introductions and breathing exercises... Then there was the giggling, belly laughs and the snorting.... It was amazing. 

I still have that smile on my face that finds me each time I have the honor of teaching this practice in patterns. I feel like I made five new friends last night and hope we can gather again soon. 

To my dear friend Emily. Thank you so much for helping me share my passion and introducing me to your circle of friends. 

Love and light 
In this moment. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Sitting here giggling to myself about my word of the day. Abundance. I welcome abundance into my life and release the blocks that I have created that prevent abundance. 

Also. : ))


I mean really where has that silliness been hiding all my life. Go ahead. Try to make your buns dance and not giggle or at least grin. 

Wiggle on my friends. 

Abundance is in you! Especially in your cheeks. 

Love and light In the Moment


Monday, May 18, 2015

Zentangle did its job.

Thanks to all that attended my classe hosted by Jess at Joy They Bring Massage in Douglas. 

As we gathered for class we chatted a bit about our mornings and lamented about plans and life happening in the middle of all that. We settled in to our practice and as we created our tiles Zentangle did its job. Stress left the room and relaxed focus took over. The serene location added beautifully to the practice we explored. 

We started with my favorite first time tangle Munchin to Vein. 

We then created a grouping with crescent moon, flux, Nzepple and, my new tangle, Frogeye. 

We had a stretch and then rounded out class with Betweed. 

I hope to see my new friends again! Once again I headed home with that calm smile that finds me everytime I teach. 

Enjoying this moment, 


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Roses, Roses,Roses

Another fun class at The Victorian! New and old friends gathered to summon spring! A challenging class for sure and far from the 'classic' Zentangle classes I have taught. We started with a warm up Bijou' tile, talked a little theory and then jumped into some ZIA with both feet! 
Zentangle inspires so many people to try new things! Tangling on antiques, clothes, glass, eggs and sometimes ourselves, leads to more inspiration and the next discovery. Like many, I long for warm sunny spring days and all the glory that nature brings us! This led me to create a rose string and play with color. Although we did not apply color we had a great conversation on how the weight of the lines and spacing becomes like color. As we moved on to shading we had a couple of the 'ah ha!' moments that Zentangle brings nearly each time we play! We finished by talking a little more about classic Zentangle theory and started a new tile as well! Surrounded by beautiful souls, I was filled with a renewed energy. And as we said goodnight and headed home I found that calm happy smile on my face that this practice always brings. 
Thank you so much for sharing this class with me ladies!! I look forward to seeing you again! 

Saturday, April 4, 2015


As Spring blows in over the last few days I've had the pleasure of tangling with new and old friends. A quiet evening at the Victorian in Whitinsville and a sunny windy day at home produced beautiful results! Thanks to those who joined me during this super fun class!

From experienced tanglers to first timers this class was a great way to welcome spring!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Zentangle has some new fans

Thanks to Andrea and her band of newbie tanglers and of course the seasoned artist Emily! We started with some intro tangles and then they bravely agreed to try tangling on eggs! I learned so much today as a teacher and gained some new friends along the way. Check out their wonderful work! 

Vien is a wonderful tangle to use for first time tangle. Elegant and versitile.

Next we explored Crescent Moon, Printemps, Hollibaugh and the challenging Cubine. 

Lastly we tackled the eggs and found inspiration and perspective in this exploratory exercise. 

Lastly a thank you to the sweet little dogs that serenaded us (snoring and telling stories) while we practiced our art!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

In the moment - Easy to say but....

During a recent class I was talking about how to train yourself to draw more precise lines after a student expressed a little frustration with her work. I talked about keeping your eye on the tip of the pen. " Focus on where you are, not where you are going or where you have been. This helps you land where you want to when you get there. You can see both where you are and your destination when the two points are close enough. "

As I let that hang in the air for a moment people worked at their tiles and I realized that what I had just said applied to the entire focus of my business! " Focus on where you are not where you have been or where you are going." I thought, 'WOW!' Through sharing my passion and helping someone work through a block these words came to me like they were scripted!

Call it kismet or synchronicity, through trusting in the process and doing the work, I found the words that I have been searching for to describe what I want to help people with in my business!

In the moment  is the name of my business and the mission of this journey I am on. I spend so much time, and I know I'm not alone, rushing, planning, worrying and beating myself up for plans that were laid to waste by life as we know it. I want to help people recognize that by stopping and focusing on this moment, where you are, who you are with and what you are doing in that moment can provide so much fullness in your heart. When I am lucky enough to be in this zone I remember these moments with so much more clarity than others that I flew threw worrying about all the things going on around me rather than what I was feeling, seeing, hearing and thinking in that moment.

I hope that by teaching Zentangle and focusing on the meditational side of this practice I can help people find a moment of peace, an hour of satisfaction in a job well done or a feeling of accomplishment when the pieces fall into place just as you dreamed even when you did not know the pieces were there in the first place!

Tangle on!

Love and light


Framily Zentangle night!

The night was cold but the company was on fire! Gathered around my kitchen table was family that are also friends and friends that have become family. Hence... Framily!!
We had a wide breadth of talent around the table with seasoned tanglers and a newbie to add to our little gang. 
Winter has done a number on our vitamin D and our backs but still with my niece reminding me that there is nothing like hurling yourself in the air and falling into a dog bed of snow. Forever a kid she reminds me to chill and not take life so seriously. We started the night with Vein, moved on to some Purk and Mazzinator and finished with my own creation called Asana! This was my first go at teaching Asana and I learned a lot! It's a high focus tangle but lots of variations! I look forward to teaching it again and gathering with my framily again!

Thank you again to my captive audience!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

True North Holistic Center

We Spent the evening finding our way at True North Holistic Center in Hubbardston.  9 beautiful and talented ladies joined me tonight for my Intro to Zentangle class. Laughter and discovery seemed to be our theme. I am alway so amazed to see how each person interprets my guidance!
I want to thank Merry for hosting our Friday night Zentangle explorations! I hope we can gather again soon and discover even more of what this great practice offers!  Enjoy our amazing mosaic from tonight!!